Monday, 9 May 2011


The following questions are what I have created in order to get some feedback. I will comment on the results of the feedback in my evaluation.

Film Feedback

On a scale of one to five how would you rate my film in terms of the following?

(1 worst ----> 5 best)

Entertaining, 1….. 2…. 3…...4…..5…..
Informative 1….. 2…. 3…...4…..5…..

Storyline 1….. 2…. 3…...4…..5…..

Camerawork 1….. 2…. 3…...4…..5…..

Editing 1….. 2…. 3…...4…..5…..

Acting 1….. 2…. 3…...4…..5…..

1) Do you think that the film fits its suspense genre?
2) Would this short film encourage you to watch a full length programme like this and why?
3) What is your favourite part?
4) What do you like the least?
5) What would you want to change?
6) How does this compare to a professionally made film?

Poster feedback

1) Does the look of the poster intrigue you and make you want to watch the film?
2) How well does the poster fit in with the film?
3) How well do you think this compares to professional posters?
4) What is your favourite part?
5) What do you like the least?
6) What would you want to change?
7) Do you think the poster conveys a suspense film?

Article feedback

1) Is the article successful in the way it reviews the film?
2) Does the article match the poster and film in terms of style?
3) How does it compare to a professional review?


1) Do you think that all three products go well together?

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