Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Distribution for my film poster

The options I have available to me to distribute my poster would be:
- To get it published in a film magazine.
- To get a large poster printed and advertise my film in a cinema.
- To upload the poster to Google images.
- Add a link for the poster to the film on Youtube.
- Social networking sites.

Enlarging on this:
To get it published in a film magazine.
A good option to distribute my film poster would be to puclish it in a film magazine (such as Empire of Total Film 50) as I will meet my inteded audience by doing so and will also be able to attract other audiences who do not tend to watch suspense films as these magazines cover a wide range of genres.

To get a large poster printed and advertise my film in a cinema.
The cinema would be a good place to advertise my film as it will reach a wide range. Although as my film is small scale, it would more likely to be featured in one local cinema rather than nationally. If I was to advertise the poster in the cinema, I would make an agreement with the cinema to have a special showing of my film.

To upload the poster to Google images.
If I was to upload the poster to Google images, I would be able to reach a mass audience which is good but then the audience would have to know exactly what they are looking for to be able to find it as I would not have the available finance to have it as a top search. To increase the likelihood of it getting views on Google images, I would need to include many tags.

Add a link for the poster to the film on Youtube.
An option for creating hype regarding my film would be to upload a teaser trailer to Youtube. Along with this, I could add a link to the description which takes the user to the poster which would help get it recogised. In this case, the poster would most likely to be uploaded to SlideShare to create the link.

Social Netwroking Sites
Another method of causing hype for my film would be to publish the poster on to a social networking site such as Facebook (with this I would also incluse a link to a teaser trailer). This would hopefully cause a "chaining effect" with people sharing and reposting the poster so their friends can see. Social networking sites are an effective way of creating hype and would mean that the film would be in high demand and get good viewing figures when it was released.

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